РОПРЯЛ, МГПУ (Кафедра массовых коммуникаций) и ЯГПУ им Ушинского
приглашают Вас принять участие в научно-практической
«Понимание в коммуникации. Человек в
информационном пространстве», которая состоится
22-24 ноября 2012 г. в г. Ярославле
На обсуждение выносятся следующие
1. Лингвистические основы понимания
2. Обучение пониманию
3. Понимание в межкультурной коммуникации
4. Общение в системе «Человек – компьютер»
5. Понимание в массовых коммуникациях
6. Понимание художественного произведения
7. Психология понимания
8. Прагматика понимания
В работе конференции примут участие ведущие учёные, практики в области филологии,
психологии, педагогики, сотрудники печатных и электронных СМИ. Планируется
проведение мастер-классов и круглых столов.
конференции публикуются в электронном виде.
Тезисы объемом до 2 стр (3600 знаков) принимаются по
адресу efcomconf@list.ru, yar_nauka@mail.ru до 1
июня 2012 г.
Аспиранты, магистранты и студенты должны приложить согласие научного
Будем рады видеть Вас в числе участников
Оргкомитет конференции
The 6st International interdisciplinary Conference "Understanding by
communication. A person and information space” (conference website http://efcomconf10.ucoz.ru)
organized by Moscow City Teachers Training University, Yaroslavl’ State
Pedagogical University ‘K.Ushinsky’,
Russian Society of Language and Literature Teachers ROPRYAL
is to be held in YAROSLAVL’ (Russia) November 22-24 2012
SHORT DESCRIPTION (please see the conference website for more information)
The Conference series ‘Understanding by communication’ was started in 2003 in
Moscow Humanitarian Institute and the next meetings took place in Moscow State
University and Moscow City Teachers Training University (with co-operation of
the Russian Academy of Science). They
were attended by linguists, psychologists, computer science specialists,
sociologists and other specialists from more than 30 cities of Russia, from
Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Lithuania, the USA, Poland, Bulgaria, Finland, Iran,
Malaysia, China and others.
FOCUS on the mass communications
- Understanding of verbal messages, language units in the process of
understanding texts
- Semiotics of understanding. Understanding in non-verbal
- cognitive, pragmatic and discourse analytic aspects of
understanding and production
- psychological analysis of understanding
- skills of understanding in first and second language acquisitions
- understanding in social, political and historical
- understanding of mass-media and advertising
- understanding of arts and literature
- hermeneutic and philosophical problems of understanding
- understanding in the computer assisted communication.
The languages of presentations are English, Russian,
German, French (translation into English will be available). Abstracts (no more
than 3600 letters) are to be sent by June 1 2012 to efcomconf@list.ru .
The important dates: paper submission 1.06.12,
notification of acceptance 1.08.12 (for those who needs visa), 1/09. 2012.
Program 1/11.2012. Registration after
arrival. Registration fee is not obligatory. Transfer from Moscow to Yaroslavl
(about 3 hours by train or by bus) can be organized.
Yaroslavl’ is an ancient Russian town, acknowledged by
UNESCO. It makes a part of the famous
Russian trip route ‘The Golden Ring’. The list of journeys and guided tours is to be declared in November.
The further information is available on efcomconf10.ucoz.ru
and by e-mail yar_nauka@mail.ru.
The Organizing Committee